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How to Make a Roux

How to Make a Roux Recipe

This is the question I get asked many times "how do you make a roux"?

You start with the basic roux of flour and oil, then build from there. Just make sure not to have any brown flakes in the mixture!


  • 1 cup vegetable shortening OR vegetable oil
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour


  1. Heat the oil in a heavy pot like an iron skillet. I use my iron cookware all the time and wouldn't replace it for anything!
  2. When the oil is hot, gradually add flour, stirring continuously until well mixed. Lower flame and continue stirring until roux is the desired color. A light roux is generally the color of a new penny, while a dark roux is the color of an old penny.
  3. Stir constantly, and make sure it does not burn! If it has black specks in it, it is burned and you have to start all over again. The key is patience! Do not walk away! Leave yourself plenty of time to make this.
  4. You can either store this to add to gumbo, or you can start making it by removing the roux from fire and add vegetables (generally cut up Onions, Bell Peppers and Celery, called the Cajun trinity).
  5. Return to fire and simmer until wilted. Now is the time to add water according to how thick or thin you like. You can add salt, pepper and/or other seasonings to taste.

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