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Easy Southern Fried Chicken

Easy Southern Fried Chicken


  • 3 lbs cut up chicken
  • 1 cup flour
  • salt & pepper  to taste
  • 2 tbsp paprika
  • 2 cups Crisco or corn oil
  • Onion rings


  1. Soak cut up chicken in salted water (1 tbsp of salt per quart of water) for 1 hour. Pat dry.
  2. In a bag, mix flour, salt, pepper to taste, and paprika.
  3. Shake chicken pieces (2 at a time) in flour mixture, covering well.
  4. Place Crisco or corn oil in large skillet.
  5. Heat to medium - medium high temperature, add thickly sliced onion rings and chicken, until tender, crisp & brown, approximately 20 minutes. (Turn after 10 minutes.)
  6. Test one with fork to check if done.
  7. Drain on paper towels and serve.

I like chicken hot and crispy, but I also love it cold!

Chicken Recipes



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