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Anne's Divinity Candy

Anne's Divinity Recipe


  • 4 cups of sugar
  • 1 cup white corn syrup
  • 3/4 cup COLD water
  • 3 egg whites
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 2 cups chopped toasted pecans


  1. In a heavy saucepan over medium heat, stir together the sugar, corn syrup and COLD water. Stir just to blend ingredients.
  2. Cook syrup until mixtures reaches 250 degrees F on candy thermometer. MAKE SURE YOU GET TO 250 degrees - your candy thermometer will show you so don't worry!
  3. While this is cooking, beat egg whites in mixer until stiff peaks form.
  4. Turn mixer on HIGH and pour a SLOW STEADY STREAM of your sugar mixture into the egg whites. Add vanilla.
  5. THIS IS THE KEY: BEAT ON HIGH FOR 20-30 MINUTES!!! The candy will lose it's gloss. Turn mixer to low and add pecans.
  6. Your candy is ready to spoon onto your wax paper!

This recipe makes around 25 pieces of candy.

Recipe and photo courtesy of Pop's Cajun Cookery, and is used with permission.

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