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Sausage in Tomato Gravy

Sausage in Tomato Gravy recipe. You can use your choice of sausage in this recipe. This dish is simple, delicious, and filling. Serve over hot cooked rice, and enjoy.

You can use your choice of sausage in this recipe. This dish is simple, delicious, and filling. Serve over hot cooked rice, and enjoy.


  • 1 package fresh sausage - pork, turkey, chicken or other
  • 2 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 1 bell pepper, chopped (optional)
  • 1/2 cup ketchup or tomato sauce


  1. In a heavy duty skillet or cast iron pot, heat the oil. Add the sausage and enough water to cover the sausage at the half-way mark.
  2. Cook over medium heat until the water boils down and the sausage browns. Turn over and repeat the browning process.
  3. Once the sausage has browned on both sides, add the onions and pepper and sauté with the sausage (if you are using the tomato sauce add now).
  4. Once the onions have turned color, add enough water to make gravy. Add the ketchup (if using instead of tomato sauce) and cook until heated through out.
  5. Cut sausage into bite-sized pieces and serve over hot rice.

Yield : 4 Servings : 4 Prep Time : 20m Cook Time : 35m Ready In : 55m

Recipe courtesy of Real Cajun Recipes. Used with permission.

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