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Coating for your Thanksgiving Turkey


Made with paprika, salt, garlic powder dried onion, pepper and water. The skin will cook up nice and crisp.


  • 1/3 c Paprika
  • Salt, Garlic powder, Onion; dried, Pepper, to taste
  • Water; to make paste


  1. This will coat about a 13-15 lb. turkey.
  2. Other seasonings are to taste.
  3. This is a coating you can put on all poultry before roasting.
  4. Basically you make a paste of the above ingredients.
  5. It should be the consistency of finger paint, thick and not runny.
  6. If you have kids, let them help by putting them in old clothes, as kids tend to make a mess!
  7. Smear it in and out of the cavity.
  8. The skin will cook up nice and crisp.
  9. Remember to baste during cooking.

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